Wednesday, March 31, 2010

59/365: Push for Help

I think many of you know, but this is the Blue Walk stations around UBC campus where anyone can press the button and request for help in the event of a night stalker/attacker.

I suppose UBC is a very safe place as this has obviously not been used for a long time... and the only one requiring help seems to be this resident spider?
59/365: Push for Help5D Mark II; Shutter speed 1/25s; Aperture f/2.8; Focal 50mm; ISO 3200


  1. i like how you got the spiderweb. i have tried to take pics of spiderwebs before but i never get them to show up in the photo!

  2. haha yea it's so hard! I wanted to get more of it in focus too but no tripod ;)
