Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Handing out condoms in the SUB...

a80; Shutter speed 1/60s; Aperture f/2.8; Focal 7.8mm; ISO Auto

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Access to the heavens

BCIT Aerospace building (Richmond)

S3IS; Shutter speed 1/50s; Aperture f/8; Focal 72mm; ISO 80

Monday, April 28, 2008


Sculpted by: Sharon Leung

S3IS; Shutter speed 1/10s; Aperture f/2.7; Focal 6mm; ISO Auto

Sunday, April 27, 2008


I love my shades~

a80; Shutter speed 1/1600s; Aperture f/8; Focal 7.8mm


Are you there yet?

S3IS; Shutter speed 1/640s; Aperture f/2.7; Focal 6mm; ISO 80
Post-processing: highlighted the midtones

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Exams are over for me! Wrote my last one out of 10 this morning, just a little more than 12 hours ago! I'm going to enjoy a little me time, clean up my mess and should be taking some new shots as I bring my S3IS with me when I go out =).
Here's a few shots I took during the last day of class, 2008!

Making full use of the facilities provided to us to relax!

S3IS; Shutter speed 1/25s; Aperture f/2.7; Focal 6mm; ISO Auto

Back off! Get your own sandwich!

S3IS; Shutter speed 1/320s; Aperture f/4.0; Focal 6mm; ISO Auto

Hanging on for dear life

S3IS; Shutter speed 1/200s; Aperture f/4.0; Focal 9.7mm; ISO Auto
"Hm...looks a little dull"

S3IS; Shutter speed 1/160s; Aperture f/3.5; Focal 21.9mm; ISO Auto

Task: to see how far you can get until the elastic attached to you brings you back

S3IS; Shutter speed 1/500s; Aperture f/4.0; Focal 6mm; ISO Auto

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Sun setting in Deer Lake Park (Burnaby)

a80; Shutter speed 1/1000s; Aperture f/2.8; Focal 38mm; ISO Auto

Cherry Blossoms

A little late but it's still spring with all the snow we're having right?

Cherry blossoms in full bloom at UBC

S3IS; Shutter speed 1/80s; Aperture f/3.5; Focal 139mm; ISO Auto
Meet Chocolate Moo, he resides in my camera bag and has followed me for almost a year now.
S3IS; Shutter speed 1/50s; Aperture f/3.5; Focal 264mm; ISO Auto
S3IS; Shutter speed 1/20s; Aperture f/2.7; Focal 36mm; ISO Auto

Monday, April 21, 2008

Learning to skate

a80; Shutter speed 1/60s; Aperture f/2.8; Focal 38mm; ISO Auto

Friday, April 18, 2008


Well this isn't anything beautiful but one of my most memorable past-times: Playing Jenga

a80; Shutter speed 1/60s; Aperture f/2.8; Focal 38mm; ISO Auto
And this was the prize to the skilled player who would knock down the tower. A cup of cola + soy sauce. Sadly this game only happened a few times because the same players were losing and grew sick of the prize... literally

a80; Shutter speed 1/60s; Aperture f/2.8; Focal 38mm; ISO Auto

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

2005 HSBC Celebration of Lights

I know it's REALLY late to be posting these pictures but I thought these 3 were really nice considering I didn't use a tripod.

a80 (No Exif data)

a80__Shutter speed: 0.8s__Aperture: f/4__Focal: 38mm

a80__Shutter speed: 1/60s__Aperture: f/2.8__Focal: 38mm

My Trip to HK (and Shenzhen)

Whoever fixed this car needs to be turned upside-down.

a80__Shutter speed: 1/60s__Aperture: f/2.8__Focal: 38mm__ISO: Auto

The developing rural areas near Shenzhen
a80 (No Exif data after I only kept the panorama.)

Either I'm really tall or this building is really small...
a80__Shutter speed: 1/500s__Aperture: f/4.5__Focal: 38mm__ISO: Auto

Waiiitt a minute...wasn't this in Sydney?
a80__Shutter speed: 1/500s__Aperture: f/5.6__Focal: 66mm__ISO: Auto

Bug at HK's "The Peak"
a80__Shutter speed: 1/160s__Aperture: f/2.8__Focal: 38mm__ISO: Auto

Panorama of HK harbour from the Peak.
a80 (No Exif data again)

Snow day 2005

Borrowed my sister's a70 for a snowboarding trip! This is UBC that morning

a70__Shutter speed: 1/640s__Aperture: f/2.8__Focal: 35mm__ISO: Auto

Good Times

a80__Shutter speed: 1/40s__Aperture: f/2.8__Focal: 38mm__ISO: 400


Paintball at Tsawwassen: my helment

a80 __Shutter speed: 1/60s__Aperture: f/2.8__Focal: 38mm

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Sailing in the deep blue sea of my bathtub

Meet the HMCS Rice Rocket: a sailboat designed during my grade 12 to compete in the UBC Physics Olympic.
We were so focused on speed and style we left out the part about how to drop loonies on a predetermined space along the track.... (We were the fastest and lightest though!)

a80__Shutter speed: 1/60s__Aperture: f/2.8__Focal: 38mm

First and foremost

This is a compilation of photographs taken throughout the years. It started when my brother and I shared the purchase of a Canon Powershot A80 digital camera. As I took more and more pictures, I explored the versatility of this camera and began improving and focusing more on taking beautiful pictures: to keep for my own memories and to share with those around me.

I finally got the nerve to start a photoblog after following a local photographer's for ~2 years. (He's so local we are on the same campus!) I admire his skill and creativity in capturing some very local scenes in to astonishing photographs. Though I have not met him, he has inspired me to work towards becoming a more skilled photographer. Thanks to Sam Lin.