Thursday, January 28, 2010

DT Art

I took the public transit today, courtesy of my Olympic ID badge, so that I had a chance to walk through downtown Vancouver and enjoy the new posted artwork! I've driven pass it twice a day for the last week or so now wishing I could park somewhere and snap a few shots but those of you familiar with DT would know... Finding parking by Georgia/Granville is suicide. I've seen quite a few photos uploaded of these already so enjoy my attempts at some original shots!

Olympic Rush
5D Mark II; Shutter speed 0.6s; Aperture f/22; Focal 16mm; ISO 100

A Modest Veil
5D Mark II; Shutter speed 1/15s; Aperture f/2; Focal 50mm; ISO 100

5D Mark II; Shutter speed 1/10s; Aperture f/9; Focal 35mm; ISO 800


  1. You're volunteering! What's your position and where?

  2. I'm in the polyclinic dealing drugs to the Olympic hopefuls XD Ironic eh?

  3. So.. antidoping?? I'm interested to know what your volunteering work consists of!

  4. Haha.. Um, not antidoping. I literary hand drugs to our Olympians......
